When it comes to eating healthy food the best option of course is the homemade made food made of wholegrain , real vegetables , milk of grass feed cows ,, etc etc ..
However due to buys life style eating processed and packaged food is integral part of today’s urban life , in this blog I will share some tips that can help you to make right choices at the super market

Food manufacturers often use terms that make products sound healthier than they are. Actually finding the healthiest foods takes time and effort, and we want things that are quick and easy. We need to take a couple of steps back and look beyond the flashy labels to see what actually is—and isn’t—in the foods . Here’s a guide to common terms you’ll see on food packaging, as well as how to distinguish the facts from the flash.
“Real” fruits and vegetables.
Unfortunately many “made with real fruit” and “made with real vegetables” claims are deceptive. Most of the time food manufacturers often use a misleading image of whole fruits and vegetables on their packaging while the product actually contains a very small amount. The best way is to look at the ingredients list to see what is really in the product.
Made with whole grains.
While buying breads, rolls, crackers, and other baked snacks, don’t be fooled by the label “made with whole grains” .“Made from whole grains” does not mean it is 100% whole grain , check the label and you will be surprised to see it has 7-grain, 9-grain ,or even 15-grain, but those products still may be mostly white flour. Sometimes we also see manufactures using words like "Enriched flour" or "Multi-grain floor ". “Enriched flour” and “enriched wheat flour” are not whole grains. Our bodies are designed to digest grains in their simple natural form , when manufactures mix it with various things it becomes a complex work for our digestive enzymes to digest and break them down into ingredients body can absorb .
Contains fruit juice.
Fruit drinks are not the same as fruit juice; they may contain small amounts of juice, but most of it is water, sugar, and other additives. It would be good if you avoid any fruit drinks that have added sugar, and limit your amount, even if it is 100% fruit juice. Also as there’s no fiber in juice, it is digested quickly and can cause a rapid increase in blood sugar levels which triggers the production of insulin to converts the surplus sugar into fat . So juices are no better than carbonated drinks , the access sugar in them will make you fat and even diabetic over long run
Low-fat and fat-free.
Market is flooded with low-fat and fat-free foods but unfortunately that are not necessarily healthier than full-fat foods, and they often contain added sugar and salt. A low-fat diet does not mean it is healthier or helps with weight loss. People need to get past their fear of fat and understand that healthy fat is part of a healthy diet. Peanut butter is a perfect example; you don’t need a reduced-fat version because the main type of fat in peanuts is healthy, unsaturated fat. The only ingredient therefore in your peanut butter should be peanuts.
Reduced sodium.
This is another area where labeling can be deceptive. While it is good to have low sodium diet but most of the time it does not call out how much low sodium it has . Another term to double check is “no salt added,” a term allowed if no salt is added during processing; however, it doesn’t mean the food is sodium-free, or even low in sodium.
If you are not gluten sensitivity, there’s no reason to eat gluten-free foods. They are not necessarily healthier than foods that contain gluten, and sometimes they contain more added sugar, refined flour, salt, and other additives. The key to healthy grains, whether
or not they contain gluten, is choosing whole rather than refined grains.
Food manufacturers use the term “cholesterol free” hoping that you will think the product must be healthy, but as per recent research the cholesterol you eat is no longer a primary concern. Research has shown that diets high in trans fat and saturated fat, more than diets high in dietary cholesterol,can raise blood levels of LDL cholesterol, the “bad” type that is linked with higher risks of heart attack, stroke, and cardiovascular disease.
The easiest way to a healthy diet is to eat whole or minimally processed foods whenever possible. Make fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins (fish, skinless poultry,
eggs, beans), and vegetable oils (coconut , olive, canola, soybean, corn) the foundations of your eating plan.
Also while buying processed products, look at the Nutrition Facts label. Check the serving size, calories, saturated fat (not total fat), sodium, fiber, and sugar. Buy products that have the fewest ingredients .
Hope you find these inputs useful . So Choose right , eat right & stay healthy